Blog Post


Eating to aid detoxification.

September 30, 20242 min read

Liver Detoxification Foods:


Our liver and body detoxifies itself daily. Some foods and substances add to the load, others help out.


If you want to support natural liver detoxification.  Here are some of the key compounds you can get from your food that are supportive:


Glutathione and/or N-acetyle cysteine – found in onions and garlic


Coenzyme Q10- found in oily fish (sardines, mackerel, salmon, tuna), spinach, raw seeds and nuts


Vitamin C- found in broccoli, peppers, citrus fruit and berries


Vitamin E- found in raw seeds, nuts and fish


Selenium- found in raw seeds, nuts (especially Brazil nuts) and fish


Beta carotene – found in carrots, peaches, watermelon, sweet potato and butternut squash


Omega 3 fats- found in oily fish and flax seed (sardines, salmon, tuna, mackerel).  Please avoid frying fish.


DIM and TMG- found in broccoli and cruciferous vegetables, helps detoxify excess oestrogens and hormone disrupters and with methylation.


Bioflavonoids- eg. Anthyocyandins in blueberries, quercetin in red onions, polyphenols in green tea, turmeric contains curcumins, which is a potent antioxidant and increases production of glutathione.


Detoxification processes and foods that help:


Sulphation: onion, garlic, eggs 


Methylation: greens and beans, (B12 animal source eg. red meat, root vegetables). B vitamins: green leafy veg, stir fried or steamed or raw– not boiled (Bs are water soluble) to support methylation, beans, avocado, lentils, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus


Glutathione: found particularly fruits, vegetables, and meats. Foods rich in glutathione include asparagus, spinach, garlic, avocado, squash, zucchini, potatoes, melons, grapefruit, strawberries, and peaches.  Can be made when body has access to glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acid (glutamine)


Glutamine: beans, fish, chicken, eggs, cabbage, spinach, beetroot, tomatoes (but destroyed with cooking)


Cysteine: onions, garlic and eggs


Glycine: root vegetables


Note: it is best to try to get these goodies from food rather than just taking heaps of supplements.



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Author Bio

I work with my clients to find out where their are gaps in their biochemistry, their diet, imbalances in their hormones and stress chemicals, their gut biome… and then

help to restore optimal health… based on their genes and the context of their lives.


BSc. Honours Nutrition with Psychology.

I also have post grad qualifications & credits in neuroscience, DNA testing, cordon Bleu cookery, leadership, environmental health, Personality Profiling, Neuroscience and Training and Assessing.

Lisa Cutforth

BSc. Honours Nutrition with Psychology.

I also have post grad qualifications & credits in neuroscience, DNA testing, cordon Bleu cookery, leadership, environmental health, Personality Profiling, Neuroscience and Training and Assessing

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