Delicious and nutritious Recipes (various dietary needs)
Low Histamine Diet
Mediterranean Diet
Getting enough protein as a vegetarian or vegan
Habit Change Formula
Weight Loss Program
Freedom from Emotional Eating
Special diet resources
Detox Plan
Non violent communication
Navigating Grief
Conscious parenting
Navigating the shopping maze
Nutrition for a healthy pregnancy
Nutrition skills for chefs
Counselling skills for nutritionists
Natural ways to influence your state
Self regulation strategies
EBT hacks
DBT hacks
Integrative Healthcare:
Nutrition, Psychology, Neuroscience and Genetics
For bookings, general queries or to order test kits :
Email: [email protected]
For results, supplement scripts, test queries or to book seminars or workshops:
Email: [email protected]
Monday - Thursday:
9 AM - 5.30PM
(Please allow 24 hours for a reply, because often we are consulting during these hours)